Greener Imps

An image of the Lincoln City club badge

Lincoln City is fully committed to reducing its environmental impact and to building a more sustainable and climate-friendly organisation.

We also recognise the significant economic and social impact the club has on our city which is why we are stakeholder in the Lincoln Climate Commission, and we are fully signed up to EFL Green Clubs, a project designed to help support football clubs improve their environmental practices and operations.

Plus, we are currently developing our own Climate Action Strategy (2022-27), the club’s first strategic plan aimed at delivering on environmental and sustainable actions. It has been produced through collaborative engagement with employees, stakeholders and investors and will serve as a roadmap for empowering change to both cultural and operational practice.

Reducing our environmental impact is also now a key business objective for the club’s executive. And to ensure robust governance of policy and strategy, all environmental matters are tabled at a Social & Ethics Committee, a cross-club working party which reports to the club’s executive on the social and environmental agenda. At operational level, the club has established a Green Team, constituted from all sections of the football club, which is mandated to execute the strategy and deliver on green initiatives.

The club will also produce an Annual Report to demonstrate measurable progress on the roadmap to its environmental targets, coupled with showcasing examples of where innovation and investment has successfully driven change. This strategy document will also be periodically reviewed at board and senior executive level to ensure the club is on track to meet its objectives.