
A player dribbles a football

Lincoln City FC Academy commit to raising awareness and doing all we can to prevent harm to the young people in our care. All staff must have relevant in date qualifications (DBS, Child Protection, and First Aid) which is monitored by the Academy Operations Manager and expiry dates notified in a timely manner. 

Staff attend external events and conferences to stay abreast of the latest guidance and best practice including those hosted by The Premier League and The EFL. New staff/volunteers are obligated to go through a rigorous induction process to familiarise themselves with club policy and procedures.

  • A responsible recruitment process which includes; statements in job adverts as to the organisation’s commitment to safeguarding and equality, job descriptions, interviews, DBS / Enhanced CRB checks for those working with young people, the taking up of two written references and safeguarding induction for all full-time staff.
  • A positive and pro-active approach to safeguarding to best protect all young people who are registered with the Academy or engaged in associated activities, enabling them to participate and achieve in an enjoyable and safe environment.
  • Ensuring that, where the role requires, all staff and volunteers complete The FA Safeguarding Children Workshop. 

The Academy's players, parents/guardians and staff receive additional knowledge and awareness, effective support and supervision via both internal and external means. This is achieved by completion of a range of child protection, safeguarding and awareness training in tandem with guidance from the EFL, education partners, local safeguarding children arrangements, The FA and Barnardo’s. 

Oversight and supervision

Lincoln City FC Academy’s arrangements for fulfilling its commitment to safeguarding young people and ensuring oversight and supervision are;

  • The club's designated safeguarding officer reports to the Lincoln City FC board of Directors on safeguarding issues.
  • The club's designated safeguarding officer has club-wide responsibility for the safeguarding policies, procedures, practice and training in safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults as well as responsibility for the support and supervision of the designated safeguarding officers (DSO) in each area.
  • The Academy DSO works closely with the head of Academy, Head of Education, and club designated safeguarding officer.All concerns, allegations or disclosures regarding the welfare of young players will be referred to the Academy DSO who shares these with the head of Academy and club DSO who will infer the seriousness and nature of the information and will refer and report to the appropriate agency.
  • A multidisciplinary approach to welfare support is adopted where all individuals are educated as to their role and the procedures to follow when dealing with any concern related to the safeguarding and welfare of a player. Advice and guidance are displayed around the Academy including a Whistle Blowing Policy.

Academy players and staff are supported and guided through challenging times and incidents. This is demonstrated through learning, feedback, additional support, and effective supervision enabling them to carry out effective safeguarding and working responsibilities.


Where Lincoln City FC Academy believes, or is informed that circumstances exist which may indicate significant harm to any young person(s), or may pose a risk of harm to them, Lincoln City FC Academy will refer the matter to a statutory agency such as the Police or Children’s Social Care for further investigation in accordance with the Club’s Safeguarding Policy. The FA Case Management Unit will also be informed where it is appropriate to do so. Appropriate interventions will be sought in accordance with the following;

  • Referral of matters of concern relating to risk of harm or acts of abuse towards young people to the relevant authorities.
  • Responding to general complaints and/or complaints of poor practice, as appropriate, in line with the complaints procedure.
  • Adopt The FA’s and The EFL’s safeguarding policies and procedures whilst further specific and individual Academy policies are developed and adopted.
  • Lincoln City FC Academy welcomes the advice, support and governance role of the EFL’s Safeguarding Teams and will act on any recommendation to improve our practice.
  • We are committed to ongoing safeguarding training and development, appropriate to the role of the employee and the level of their involvement with young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Lincoln City FC Academy commit to the sharing of information to protect young people, in line with Working Together (2018) and the Data Protection Act (2018).

Our Academy players will continue to be supported through continuous review of our intervention processes. Future developments include implementing a risk register to which all departments input using a traffic light system to highlight potential emerging concerns which may impede a player’s holistic development. Our top level commitment to safeguarding will ensure a continued pro-active approach enabling us to support players through intervention, support and referral where required.

For any safeguarding questions, contact Mark Johnson, Academy designated safeguarding officer, on 07948726409 /