Safe standing plans confirmed

Following further consultation with the safety authorities, the club can now confirm plans for the introduction of a safe standing section at the LNER Stadium.

Phase one will be to install independent barriers in the whole of block Upper 7 of the GBM stand. Whereas a rail seat is a manufactured product which incorporates a seat and a barrier together, independent barriers are a separate installation from the seat itself, and the club has worked closely with a number of other clubs where barriers have already been successfully installed.

The club are currently working through the technical specifications and safety management plans with the intention of installing barriers for the start of 2023/24 season. Tickets in this block will be sold as ‘seats in an area where standing is permitted ’and seat swaps will be made available for supporters who would like to move out of, or into, this block during the seat swap window in July, after the conclusion of the current renewal period.

The work the club has done to reach this stage has been highly commended by the authorities and governing bodies, and this commitment to both safety and fan experience at the LNER Stadium has been made possible by further capital investment by the club board and investors.

The club will look to provide a further update when possible. The FAQs below may also be useful.

What is meant by the term ‘standing in seated areas?

This means that safety systems are in place in designated seated areas which permits supporters to stand if they would like to.

Which areas of the LNER Stadium are being considered?

The authorities have identified that the highest risk area is in GBM Upper 7. The club is also proposing a standing section in the Stacey West stand.

Will it affect me?

Only if you currently have a seat in GBM Upper 7. It is unlikely that any other areas of the LNER stadium will be affected.

What if I don’t wish to stand or am unable to stand?

If you currently sit in GBM Upper 7 and do not wish to stand, you are of course permitted to remain seated, but you will have purchased a seat knowing that your are located in a designated standing area. Alternatively you may choose to relocate your seat. Please contact the ticket office to discuss your options.

What is the difference between an ‘independent barrier ’and a ‘rail seat’?

Independent barriers are a separate installation from the seat itself, whereas a rail seat is a manufactured product which incorporates a seat and a barrier together.

What type of installation is planned for GBM Upper 7, and why?

Due to the configuration of the GBM stand, we plan to install independent barriers in this section (similar to, for example, Cardiff City).

Will the rail seat/independent barrier impact my view if I want to sit?

No, the height of the barrier will not impact your view.

What type of installation is planned for the Stacey West Stand, and why?

We plan to install rail seats in the Stacey West Stand. While current legislation states that standing must only replace seating on a ratio of 1:1 (meaning no increase in capacity), if legislation were to change in future, rail seats would facilitate this more readily in this stand.

Are there plans to introduce ‘standing ’in other GBM Stand blocks?

Following the results of the survey and in consultation with the authorities, not at the moment.

Are there plans to introduce ‘standing ’in other areas of the stadium?

Not at the moment, although we are always exploring new opportunities to provide the appropriate fan experience for our wide demographic of supporters.

When is this expected to happen?

Summer 2023.

How is it being paid for?

This is a 100% capital investment by the club board and investors.

What if I am strongly against “standing in seated areas” at Lincoln City?

The club would be happy to consult with anyone further on the safety aspects and evidence of safe standing in seated areas and the benefits to fan experience and engagement.