210402 Cadbury Business Heroes

Our partners at Cadbury are generously donating advertising space to a Lincolnshire based business during this tough period.

The pitch side advertising board (which was included in Cadbury's partnership package) is situated in a prime position at LNER Stadium and will be donated to a business that have done fantastic work in the community during the global pandemic, despite the difficult circumstances.

Cadbury Senior Brand Manager, Nick Rogers said, “Over the last year, the nation's favourite chocolate brand and the nation's favourite football clubs have come together as a force for good. Cadbury have quietly supported over 400 local business and we are delighted to bring this opportunity to a local Lincolnshire business. The beautiful game is only beautiful, when we are all in it together.”

Our Head of Commercial, Andrew Whitham added, “This is one of many ways in which Cadbury want to help the community of Lincolnshire. This has been a testing time for some but has also created some really positive stories of determination and resilience from the businesses in the region.

“It is a generous initiative from them, utilising their key pieces of contractual inventory which will promote these businesses across the nation. Cadbury have previously helped Burton Road Chippy and the Lincoln City Foundation by providing their LED perimeter board time for the Peterborough match which was broadcasted live on Sky Sports, and I’m really looking forward to seeing the results of this gesture.”

If you would like to nominate a local business for this advertising board, please email commercial@theredimps.com using 'Cadbury Business Heroes' as the subject line along with your reasoning and we will announce a winner in due course.

Thanks for your continued support.
