200813 Season Ticket Update

Following the early renewal period in February, we are pleased to announce that a second renewal window for current season ticket holders opened on Monday 17th August at 12pm. In addition to this, any season ticket holders who purchased during the early renewal period will be able to request a refund. More details can be found below.

As confirmed by the EFL, the 2020/21 league season will start on 12th September 2020. We are still awaiting confirmation on when crowds will be allowed back in stadiums, however it is highly likely that initial demand will outweigh available seating at LNER Stadium.

The Club has received a number of requests to open up a second season ticket renewal window, whilst at the same time we understand some supporters may be reconsidering their options due to the stadium restrictions as a result of the pandemic. Our aim is to outline the options available to fans below based on our current understanding and interpretation of the guidance.

Due to the restrictions, we will be providing a combination of both in stadia attendance and iFollow match passes for supporters who are unable to attend in person or who are unsuccessful in the ballot process for attendance at the ground. More information on balloting is contained within the FAQs below.


Window 2 Renewal Information

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Terms & Conditions:

  • To qualify for Junior, Young Adult or Concession rates, the supporter must be the required age as of the 1st August 2020. Proof of age must be provided.
  • Family Season Tickets must be bought on a 1:1 basis (e.g. x1 Adult and x1 Junior) and these must be seated together.
  • Each JIC Adult/JIC Concession/JIC Young Adult purchased must have at least one JIC Junior attached. The maximum ratio for this is 1:4 (e.g. x 1 JIC Adult + x 4 JIC Junior). These seats are only available in the Family Area.

Season ticket holders renewing in this second window will also be able to renew via finance. Please check our website in the coming days for further details regarding this process.

A link was sent to season ticket holders who are yet to renew via email at 12pm on Monday 17th August 2020. Should you wish to renew, please follow the link provided. It is important to note that this email is tailored to you as it correlates to your existing ticket(s) registered to your email address. Please check your spam/junk folder in the event that you do not receive your email.

Please note: The email this will be sent to the email address that was associated with your Eventbrite account. 

Once the transaction is complete, you will receive a further confirmation email from Ticketmaster. From here, you will be able to link your supporter account with friends and family within your household for balloting purposes. Linking your account is critically important to ensure you will be seated with friends and family during the COVID-19 restrictions. This will also enable you to purchase away tickets with those in your group once restrictions are lifted.


Lounge Members  

If you are planning to renew in one of our hospitality lounges, please email commercial@theredimps.com with the number of season tickets that you require. A member of our team will then sign you up on Ticketmaster and issue you with a reference number. The commercial team will then send you an invoice for your season tickets.

Due to capacity restrictions in the lounges, we will be introducing a seat reservation scheme for all 1884 SRP Lounge and Buildbase Legends Lounge season ticket holders. We will be hosting individual ballots for each of the hospitality lounges. Those who renew will pay an initial £379 (which is the same price as a standard adult season ticket) to secure their seat and a place in the ballot.

If you are successful in the ballot and the lounge is open for use, you will be charged a pro rata upgrade fee for each game you attend. This means that once restrictions are lifted and the lounge can resume to full capacity, all hospitality members will be charged the pro rata upgrade fee for all remaining fixtures.

The maximum value that supporters could be charged in the SRP 1884 Lounge is £699. The maximum value that supporters could be charged in the Buildbase Legends Lounge is £599. Please note that supporters will only pay the full value if every league fixture has access to the relevant hospitality lounge.

If you have any further questions please contact the commercial team direct via commercial@theredimps.com.


For those who purchased in window 1  

You should have received an email from the Club to activate your account on Ticketmaster Sport. As you renewed earlier this year via Eventbrite, it is critical that you follow some simple steps to ensure your season ticket(s) are ready prior to the start of the 2020/21 season. If you have not received this link, you can activate your account by CLICKING HERE.

For those who purchased their season ticket in window 1, but no longer wish to retain their season ticket, please contact tickets@theredimps.com to organise your refund. Before doing so please consider the details contained within the FAQs section below.

The Club is still operating with a reduced workforce, so we ask for your patience and understanding at this time. We will endeavour to respond to all emails within three working days.



Why are we opening a second renewal window for season tickets?

The Club communicated with season ticket holders back in February that the first renewal window would not be the only opportunity for fans to renew their season ticket. Following consultation with various groups, including the Supporters Board, it was agreed that all 2019/20 season ticket holders should be given the option to renew their season tickets, in particular given that the initial stadium allocation will be provided exclusively to season ticket holders.

Will there be another chance to renew my season ticket for the 2020/21 season & what happens with my seat should I only wish to renew in 2021/22?

Fans who choose not to renew or opt for a refund will be given the chance to purchase a season ticket during the renewal windows for the 2021/22 season. Further to this, and depending if stadium restrictions are lifted, we may open up a further renewal window later on in the current season.

  • Should a further renewal window open up within this (2020/21) season, and you purchase at this point, your existing seat will be secured.
  • Should a further renewal window open up within this (2020/21) season, and you do not purchase at this point, your existing seat cannot be guaranteed.
  • Should we not open up a further renewal window, your seat will be secured so long as you renew in the 2021/22 renewal window.

What if I am unable to renew due to falling under the high-risk category?

Please contact the Club via tickets@theredimps.com and we will discuss this matter with you.

What is a ballot?

In partnership with our ticketing partner, Ticketmaster Sport, we are currently in the final design stages of the ballot process. More details will be released in due course. However, it is our intention to implement a lottery system to provide the fairest method of allocating season ticket holders into the available seats. These ballots will be held on a match by match basis.

Those supporters who are unsuccessful in the first ballot will have a priority draw in the second ballot (and so on) in an effort to ensure all season ticket holders have the equal opportunity to attend games, while the stadium is operating under a reduced capacity.

Can I watch the Imps with friends and family at LNER Stadium?

Yes. On Ticketmaster, you will be able to specify other season ticket holders who share the same household to ensure you are entered into the ballot together. From this, we will endeavour to allocate in stadia tickets to suit your group if you are successful in the ballot for a fixture. However, those who are not in the same household/bubble, but regularly attend in wider social groups may not be seated together. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however a new seating plan will be automatically generated for each fixture in order to maximise overall capacity.

More detailed information on balloting will be announced in due course.

What if I am unsuccessful in a ballot for a fixture?

If you are unsuccessful in the ballot for a fixture, or should you elect not to enter the ballot, you will receive an iFollow match pass in order to watch the game online. We are also working on a credit system that can be used against the price of a 2021/22 season ticket. More details will be announced at a later date.

Please Note: iFollow codes will not be sent to Junior Season Ticket Holders. Instead a credit will be applied to their account.

Will I be I sitting in my usual season ticket seat?

No.  Due to social distancing measures, supporters will not be seated in their usual season ticket seats. This is in order to maximise capacity.

Will the ballot be for the whole stadium?

We plan to introduce four zones for balloting purposes. These areas include general admission, singing section (existing Coop Upper 7), Junior Imps area and hospitality. Supporters will only be entered into one ballot which will be predetermined by the location of your current season ticket (e.g. if you are seated within the Junior Imps area, you will automatically be entered into this ballot).

Will there be membership or match by match sales for fixtures at LNER Stadium?

At present, we have taken the decision to suspend the membership scheme. In this first phase there will be no match by match sales, but once capacity increases we will look to make a percentage of the stadium available for match by match sales. More details will be announced in due course. We appreciate this decision may come as a disappointment to those that can only attend on a match by match basis, however following a period of lengthy consideration, we felt we had little option but to provide the limited available seating exclusively to season ticket holders in the first phase. We will keep this matter under constant review, in particular should capacity increase. 

What will happen for cup fixtures?

Season ticket holders will be given a priority ballot for cup fixtures; however, we will ensure some of the available stadium capacity is ringfenced for a second ballot that will be open to all.

The percentage of available capacity given exclusively to season ticket holders will be reviewed ahead of each fixture.

I have been a season ticket holder for 10+ years, why can I not be given priority over all other season ticket holders?

Firstly, a large part of our recent success has been built on our collective approach. We very much value all our fans for their incredible support. In addition, the Club has only very recently (2017), introduced an electronic ticketing system. As a result, we do not hold robust data in order to confidently design and administrate a ‘loyalty’ system.

As a season ticket holder, how many games will I get to watch from within the stadium while restrictions are in place?

Based on our current interpretation of the guidance, we anticipate that season ticket holders who wish to attend games should be able to attend around 1 in 2 fixtures at LNER Stadium. Please note these figures are estimates based on the anticipated number of social bubbles, therefore free seats which will need to be left vacant to ensure social distancing is maintained.

How will the credit system for season ticket holders work should we be unsuccessful in the ballots?

Discussions are currently taking place with our partners at EFL Digital and Ticketmaster Sport surrounding this matter. We do very much recognise there is difference in value between a digital match pass versus the in stadia experience. Further announcements on this will be made as soon as possible. However, please trust that our intentions are to be as fair as possible with how we manage this process.