200804 Clive Open Letter

Firstly, I’d like to personally thank all of our 2019/20 season ticket holders for their patience following the curtailment of last season and our rebate process.

As I’m sure you will understand, this has been a time-consuming process for the Club, especially at a time when many of our team members remain on furlough.

For those of you who opted for a refund, the outstanding balance should have reached your bank account by now. Thank you for bearing with us whilst this was processed.

Amazingly, 80% of you decided to convert your remaining season ticket balance into shares and, for this, we are extremely grateful.

For those who did choose to convert to personal shares, we are in the process of producing your share certificates. Again, this presents a huge task for the administration team and we cannot make any promises around timescales. However, as soon as the share certificates are ready, we will be in touch with further details regarding the collection process. We are also working on new décor for the players’ tunnel which will feature the names of those who have converted to shares as extra recognition of your support.

Whilst we do have confirmation that the 2020/21 league season will begin on the 12th September 2020, we still await guidance on whether crowds will be allowed within LNER Stadium. Nonetheless, many of our loyal fans have asked whether there will be another opportunity to renew their season tickets. Over the coming days, we will be announcing dates for a second window to give supporters an opportunity to renew if they have not already done so. More information regarding this will be communicated with you via the Club’s website, social channels and email.

Once again, I thank you all for your patience over the last few months and I look forward to seeing you cheering on the Imps soon at LNER Stadium.