
Over the course of the summer the whole country came to a standstill as football fans watched England make their way to the Semi-Final of the FIFA World Cup in Russia, but while the streets were empty and thousands were hooked on the action. Sincil Bank has been a hive of activity as a host of new improvements and developments got underway, making the stadium a much better facility for all it’s visitors.

From the pitch being dug up in June before the sight of new shoots of grass a few weeks later, to hearing the click of the turnstiles which have been serviced around the stadium, it has been one of the busiest closed seasons in the club’s history.

It all started with the equipment brought in by Talbot Farm and Landscapes, their sports department came into the club in June and the main playing surface was removed before primary and cultivation works started, then the surface was reseeded and top soil was applied. The Imps’ Head Groundsman Jim Davison and his team got to work to create a pitch that is now lush, green and by the season’s start it will be the ideal playing surface.  Around and underneath the playing surface, the irrigation system around the pitch has also been upgraded, and we give special thanks to SRP Toilet hire for their assistance in this process.

Towering over the pitch are of course the floodlights that provide the vital light on those cold winter nights during the season. These have had an overhaul with all 60 bulbs being replaced as well as the structures having a full maintenance check and service.

The other floodlights that overlook the 3G surface adjacent to the club shop and ticket office have been serviced to ensure all the ignitors and capacitors are meeting their required performance level, providing light for the various community groups who utilise the facility on a weekly basis.

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The developments stretch inside the stadium buildings too, with changing rooms being repainted, and works have been undertaken to improve sanitary and shower areas for the players along with a lick of paint along the walls. Matchday officials too will feel the benefit as their dressing room has been renovated, as improved shower areas were installed as well as being freshly decorated.

Supporters may have noticed some developments already, the Gents toilets in the Red Imp Bar now have easier access after improvement works were completed as well as a new gate being installed in the upper 7 area of the Lincolnshire Co-op stand, and the safety lines in and around the stadium have been repainted making them far clearer and along with those, minor roadworks have been undertaken around the stadium footprint to fill in pot holes.  All the seats in the stadium have been cleaned and the PA system has been upgraded as well as the scoreboards have been serviced to ensure they work correctly.

Visiting disabled supporters now have an improved and larger area to watch games in the Stacey West/Selenity Stand corner of the stadium.The Match Day medical centre is being expanded and will have a new Triage area to support the medical team in the South East corner of the stadium.  Meanwhile in the Selenity Stand, the heating system is being replaced with a newer, more reliable and efficient system.

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Over in the Bridge McFarland stand there has been a renovation of what was hospitality box nine, it’s been transformed in partnership with APSS into what is now known as the Cathedral Suite, providing the perfect setting to see the Imps in action whilst giving a fantastic view of the Cathedral over the top of the Stacey West stand.

The front facing main office is also subject to a new look as it’s currently undergoing a substantial face-lift, which will improve the customer service areas for supporters upon their arrival and improving their experience. While the media suite has been renovated with new carpets and decorating as well as the size of the suite being expanded to allow for the club media and visiting national media to get the news to their readers in more comfortable surroundings.

And last but by no means least, there will be the Buildbase Legends Lounge  coming to the Lincolnshire Coop Stand, offering the best of hospitality and dining that Lincoln City has to offer during what promises to be another memorable season for The Imps.

 We hope that the improvements enhance your matchday experience in and around Sincil Bank, and we look forward to welcoming supporters for the final home friendly of the summer against Blackburn Rovers on Sunday, tickets are available HERE