171019 Scooter

If proof were needed that #TeamLincoln is in full flow, then the story of Kjarr Helgesen and the replacement of the teenager’s stolen scooter is all that’s required.

Recently, Kjarr, the son of Andrew Helgesen who was responsible for the start of the Cowley’s Perfect Pitch Fundraiser and the Fans Player Fund has his custom made scooter taken, leaving the youngster distraught.  Kjarr, has autism and the theft of his beloved mode of transport was something he really struggled to come to terms with.

However, after hearing of the incident, Lincoln City and supporters of the club pledged to help out and donated a total of over £300 to replace the custom made stunt scooter.

Andrew was taken aback by the generosity shown by the club and supporters and said he couldn’t thank them enough.

“The scooter was specially made for Kjarr and when it was taken he was devastated. But for the people of Lincoln and the football club to come together like this is something that our family are eternally grateful for,” Andrew said.

“It’s a specialist scooter and we just didn’t have the money to replace it.  So for this to happen and to be funded the way it was, just shows how much of a vital part of the community in this City that the football club has become.”