171206 SJA Award

This afternoon at The Pavillion at The Tower of London, the Imps’ management duo of Danny and Nicky Cowley picked up another prestigious award at the Sports Journalists Association British Sports Award ceremony.

The Sports Journalists Association Committee chose the accomplishments of The Imps and the Cowley Brothers in gaining promotion to the Football League and the run to the FA Cup Quarter Finals as a fitting achievement to be celebrated with their award.

The SJA Committee last year awarded British Olympic Gold Medal winning gymnast, Max Whitlock, with the award and previous winners of the awards are the British Gymnastics team as well as other Olympians, squash legend Nick Matthew and bronze medal winning taekwondo athlete, Sarah Stevenson. 

Jim Rosenthal presented Danny and Nicky Cowley with their award in front of a packed room of world-class athletes and former sporting legends such as 1966 World Cup winning goalkeeper, Gordon Banks.