Dear Shareholder(s),
Bob Dorrian has written to you giving you an update of the progress that has been made over the last 12 months in terms of re-structuring the Club’s facilities with the Co-operative Bank and he has also given you an update with regards to investment.
For the first time in a number of years, the Club can look forward to building a future and it is now in a position to make a serious attempt to regain its Football League status. Bob has explained that in order to do so then the Club needs the help of shareholders and supporters to add their financial support to the investment that has already come in to the Club.
One way you could help is by purchasing shares in the Club. It doesn’t matter how small or how large the amount is, every penny helps. As a shareholder and supporter of the Club, we are asking you to buy whatever number of shares you can afford. The shares cost 50p each and every penny raised will help us to strengthen the playing squad and give the Club a realistic chance of regaining Football League status.
An application form can be downloaded HERE. This is open to you and family* members. If you need more forms, simply make photocopies or contact the Club and ask for more. The forms are really simple to complete.
Remember, the shares cost 50p each so if you want to buy £100 worth then you need to enter ‘200’ in the box where it says ‘number of shares subscribed for @ 50p per share’ and then simply write ‘£100’ in the box where is says ‘value of shares’.
Any amount is welcome, there is no minimum or maximum amount. Just buy what you can afford.
Once completed, send the form to the address on the bottom of the form along with your cheque for the correct amount. Cheques should be made payable to Lincoln City Football Club.
Hopefully, with your support and the support of other supporters, we will soon be back in the Football League.
Up the Imps!
Kevin Cooke,
* Family is defined by section 756(6) as spouse; civil partner; children (including step-children) and descendents.