Gold Members of Lincoln City Supporters' Trust had their last meeting of the season at the reccent Telford game.
Several members made it through the awful traffic/weather conditions from around the country to join more local members. They had the opportunity to ask questions of LCST chairman Chris Ashton and Fran Martin, the Gold Member Director on the Club’s Board, on matters relating to the Trust.
They then asked questions to Football Club Chairman Bob Dorrian, Co-Vice Chairman David Featherstone and CEO Steve Prescott on Club issues before Gary Simpson joined for the first time since returning as manager to answer questions and hear Gold Members’ views. The meeting concluded with the new manager of Lincoln City FC Sport & Education Trust, Paul Hamnett, giving a talk and answering questions on his role and that of LCFC SET.
"The Gold Members’ thanks are due to Gold Member Director Fran Martin for all her efforts, not only last Saturday but also throughout the season for her work on their behalf - keeping them informed and representing their views both to the Club and the Trust board," says Chris Ashton.
"Members of the Trust should have by now received initial notification of the Trust annual general meeting and a nomination form for anyone who would like to seek election to the Trust Board.
"The Trust, as a democratic body, always welcome members’ views and their participation in activities and we are pleased with the ongoing increase in membership. Likewise, it was very pleasing to hear Fran has had two further enquiries about joining the Gold Members.
"They are positive signs of the affection so many people have for our beloved club and whatever our various individual views on certain issues are, at times like now it is the ‘pulling together’ in support of the Club that matters."
For more information on the Lincoln City Supporters' Trust and the Gold Member scheme, visit