More Volunteers Needed To Clear Snow

More volunteers are required on Wednesday to help clear the snow from the main pitch at The 12th Imp Sincil Bank Stadium.

Heavy snow on Sunday night left the pitch under a considerable amount of the white stuff and in order for the frost covers to be laid across the whole of the surface in preparation for Saturday's visit of Forest Green Rovers, this snow will need to be cleared as soon as possible.

A big thank you to the staff of DrainWise, who lent a hand on Monday, plus the supporters who came along on Tuesday to assist Groundsman Phil Kime, his assistant Paul Ash and CEO Steve Prescott to ensure that half of the pitch is now covered.

As you can understand, the task of clearing the remainder of the snow will be made easier by the more people who help out so if you can assist the Club on Wednesday, snow shovels will be provided and if you can bring a wheelbarrow with you it would speed up the process!