Covers Are On But Still Work To Do

Thanks to a sterling effort from staff and volunteers, the pitch is clear of snow and the frost covers are on.

The hard work continues, however, with the surrounding areas both inside and outside the stadium still to be cleared of snow, which had seen the pitch covered by around five inches at the beginning of the week, so we would be grateful of any assistance that can be provided to Groundsman Phil Kime, his assistant Paul Ash and Stadium Manager Darren Curtis over the next couple of days.

We're also hoping Mother Nature is kind to us and the temperatures remain at a level at which the frost covers will do their job in the build-up to Saturday's home game against Forest Green Rovers, which we hope will go ahead as planned.

"I am extremely grateful to everyone who has taken the time and the trouble to volunteer over the last few days to help us completely clear the snow from the Sincil Bank pitch," said CEO Steve Prescott, who also donned wellies and shovel to help out.

"It has been a monumental effort by everyone involved and my hard working ground staff and I have found all of our volunteers a pleasure to work alongside."