Your Club Needs You!

For those of you unable to get to Saturday''s game against Ebbsfleet, here are director David Parman's programme notes:

It was great to see one of our supporter groups win “Name our Stadium”. This was a fantastic prize and I would like to congratulate and thank everyone at the Football Club who ensured this valuable initiative was such a professional and well-run competition. 

Having settled into the new season and although quite unjustly one or two results have not gone our way, from a performance point of view at every game we have seen some real positives and I hope you will all agree how refreshing it is to see such a highly motivated and hardworking team.

We all know the reality is that our 2012/13 professional budget is quite simply light years away from those we aspire to challenge for top honours this season. Nevertheless without complaint and “including some very nice surprises” David Holdsworth has worked his magic and somehow managed to assemble an inspiring, ambitious and hardworking squad. All of whom are now proud to pull on the shirt and play for Lincoln City Football Club.

Since becoming a director, and in support of our professional department, I have made a conscious effort to visit the training ground on a regular basis and I have to say the difference between now and last October is just staggering. The contrast in technique, work ethic and coaching ability is quite simply night and day from where we were before David’s arrival. The long hours and hard work will, I am sure, pay dividends as the season progresses.

From the Club’s point of view we wanted to do all we could to help our manager attract the best possible players to Lincoln City Football Club. Despite having no real cash available to improve the dressing room area we decided to bite the bullet and take up the challenge. With an enormous amount of help and support from Club staff, local businesses and individuals alike the dressing room area has now been transformed into an area that the Club can be truly proud of, and will be a great asset to the Club for years to come.

While I appreciate it is still very early in the season I thought it only right to acknowledge and communicate just how hard David and his team have been working and are working to help improve the fortunes of Lincoln City Football Club. Special thanks to Mike and Will who give an enormous amount of time, technical support and enthusiasm to help make Lincoln City as competitive as possible come match day.

None of us want Lincoln City to become the next Darlington, so it’s time to spread the word - “we finally have a team and manager who justify our support”.

It really is time to put the past firmly behind us and encourage supporters back to The 12th Imp Sincil Bank Stadium. The challenge is there, to get back to or very close to a 3,000 gate on a regular basis - a significant number I know but this is a number that will make the world of difference to the future fortunes of the Football Club. 

David Parman